Tuesday 22 September 2015

Dwayne Samson, captain in 'murder for lobster' case, sentenced to 10 years

A Nova Scotia'n lobster fisherman and his fishing crew has been convicted of manslaughter and will serve at least 10 years in prison. The crew of the "Twin Maggie" allegedly shot fisherman Philip Boudreau when they saw him tampering with lobster traps they had set up previously. Dwayne Matthew Samson was one of the 3 who were accused of shooting, ramming and gaffing Boudreau and was already sentenced to 10 years of prison. Reports of the incident say that the crew of the "Twin Maggie" were out to collect lobster from their traps when they spotted Boudreau in a small skiff cutting the lines and stealing the lobsters inside. When the crew spotted this, they began to shoot and ram at the skiff until Boudreau fell out. They then proceeded to gaff him and tow him behind their boat, dragging him further out to see. Many reports also say that the idea behind the murder of Philip Boudreau was mostly suggested by Samson's father; James Landry with there being many statements in which Landry was seen saying " I wanted to kill him". This may have been one of the reason Landry was sentenced up to 14 years imprisonment. The second deckhand, Craig Landry was charged for being an accessory to the crime and was sentenced to 28 days with 2 years probation.

My Opinion:

 I believe that although killing Boudreau was not called for and was definitely taken to an extreme, Boudreau was also very much to be blamed for this as he should not be tampering with other peoples lobster fishing lines. I do believe that the jail time that the other 3 are facing was the right thing to do because they did commit a murder. 

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