Tuesday 20 October 2015

Woman, 99, denied citizenship despite living in Canada since 1933

Woman, 99, denied citizenship despite living in Canada since 1933

Citizenship and Immigration doesn't know or understand its own rules, says critic

By Rosa Marchitelli, CBC News Posted: Sep 28, 2015 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Sep 28, 2015 4:19 PM ET
A Canadian women who has been living in Canada for almost 10 decades and had her application denied by Citizen and Immigration Canada. Joan Stirling, 99 has been been living in Canada ever since she immigrated from London, England back in 1916 and wants to apply for a health card however, the government are not willing to due to the fact that Sterling can not provide proof that she is indeed a Canadian citizen. Since the government rejected Sterling's application, Sterling and her friend Diana Watson, have been fighting by showing legal documents proving that Sterling has indeed lived in Canada. Diana believes that Sterling has to acquire her health card because she believes that Sterling must access the health system due to her increasing age. Diana has since then contacted many people including the Go Public! people who have asked the Citizen and Immigration Canada to re-evaluate her case. After reviewing the case, their response was that Sterling is an official Canadian citizen based on the Citizenship Act made in June. 
My opinion:
Although i believe that in the end, the Citizen and Immigration offices did the right thing, i think that they should have came to the same conclusion sooner. I think this because they delayed a 99 year old women who is rightfully a Canadian citizen the proper healthcare that she deserved. The Citizen and Immigration also, by the looks of it, ignored any of the requests Sterlings friend Diana made and only made an attempt to review Sterlings case when a 3rd party got involved ( Go Public!). I think Citizen and Immigration Canada must try harder in the future so more rightfull Canadians will not get left out like Sterling was.     

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