Tuesday 10 November 2015

Russian athletes ripped after doping report's release

Russian athletes ripped after doping report's release

American runner Montano calls out Olympic medallists

By Anson Henry, CBC Sports Posted: Nov 10, 2015 1:55 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 10, 2015 1:55 PM ET

Many people have speculated why Russia has had so much success over the past years at the Olympics. With the somewhat lacking performance in the 2014 Beijing Olympics, people have started to accuse and question why Russian athletes would be so much better at home turf but not in other parts of the world.. Some of the accusations have been pointed to drug and other methods that would have given them an advantage over the other athletes that competed in the competition with sabotage being one.. On Tuesday November 10th, the International Olympics Committee called the IAAF to press charges on the Russian athletes, coaches and anyone else involved . Any athletes that would have won a medal but have been found guilty will have their medal removed and given to the next person who actually deserves it. 
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My opinion:
With the Olympics being such a big event with people watching from around the world, I think that the committee could have done a better job with this. I think that drug use has always been a problem when it comes to sports but it just isn't always sniffed out. Therefore, I think that Olympic Committee should have more testing methods to test for the drugs. As for the sabotage, the committee needs to find more trustworthy people that can provide an honest help to the Olympics. 

Whooping cough cases triple in Mauricie and Central Quebec

Whooping cough cases triple in Mauricie and Central Quebec

CBC News Posted: Nov 10, 2015 12:15 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 10, 2015 1:30 PM ET

From the month of October to now, whooping cough cases have increased in the Mauricie-Central Quebec region. In October, there were 40 confirmed cases but now, the number has tripled meaning it is nearly 4 times the normal annual size. The outbreak has effected everyone in the area however, it has effected young children the most. There have been many schools, elementary and high schools alike, that have reported cases of whooping cough. Younger babies could also be infected with the disease by catching it from their parents who did not know they had whooping cough.  The effect of whooping cough or pertussis causes highly infectious bacterial that could go up to the lungs and other respiratory systems that will induce swelling and inflammation. Whooping cough also effects the Western and Maritime part of Canada too. New Brunswick itself already has suffered from 40 cases and PEI has 15 confirmed cases. 

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My Opinion:

I think that this is a serious health problem that more people should be aware about. The risk of catching this is very high due to the coughing symptom. I think that everyone in the area where the disease is high, should try and get the vaccine for it. People should also be more active in trying to keep the workplace, wherever that may be (i.e home, work, school) clean so it might limit how much of the disease is past around. Lastly, I think that if people believe that they might have symptoms of whooping cough, they should go to the doctor or medical clinic and get check out to make sure they wont accidentally infect a friend or family.    

Monday 9 November 2015

Neymar scores spin-o-rama goal for victorious Barcelona

Neymar scores spin-o-rama goal for victorious Barcelona

CBC Sports Posted: Nov 08, 2015 2:59 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 09, 2015 12:25 AM ET

With the absence of Messi due to an injury, 2 members of FC Barcelona has to step up and take the spotlight. Neymar de Silva Jr. and Luis Suarez have both stepped up and scored and won in crucial games to keep Barcelona at the top level. With Messi generally being the star of the front 3, this has given them a chance to show all of the fans how much skill they all possess. A highlight of this was last nights game when Neymar scored probably one of the best and prettiest goals of his career. During the game verse Villareal, both Neymar and Suarez both scored to ensure the victory for Barcelona but Neymar's goal stood out.  

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My Opinion:

I think that Messi being injured was a good thing. Sure the star of Barcelona and the worlds best player is injured and doesn't get to play for 2 months, but this gives chances for the other 2 big stars of FC Barcelona to get more play time and experience. AS you can see, both Neymar and Suarez both have showed everyone that they can replace Messi in times of need. 

Jordanian police officer shoots 4 dead, including 2 Americans

Jordanian police officer shoots 4 dead, including 2 Americans

State news agency Petra says two Americans and four Jordanians also wounded in shooting

The Associated Press Posted: Nov 09, 2015 8:41 AM ET Last Updated: Nov 09, 2015 12:33 PM ET

A Jordanian Policeman opened fire on 4 trainers in a police compound killing 2 Americans, 1 South American and 1 Jordanian. The assailant also wounded 5 more people, with 2 being American. The officers in the compound were part of a State Department training program and consisted mostly of civilians with none being identified by the public media. The Jordanian killed during the attack was a civilian working in the compound. The center itself was created back in 2003 and has helped train over 53,000 police men to try and enforce law in the area. The US has military presence in the area due to the threat of extremism in the neighboring countries. They are worried about "revenge attacks" that may happen on Jordanian soil. The American troops stationed in the area have suffered attacks like this before from other police officers and troops they thought they supposedly could trust. Sadly, this is becoming more and more normal.
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My opinion.
I think that the death of these different soldiers show just how sporadic the area truly is. I think that they (US, Canada, other countries) should try harder and invest more resources into trying to counter the threat. With more and more people joining ISIS or other terrorism groups, threats like this would just increase in strength. I think with more resources invested, we could end this quicker with less unnecessary deaths like these.