Tuesday 10 November 2015

Russian athletes ripped after doping report's release

Russian athletes ripped after doping report's release

American runner Montano calls out Olympic medallists

By Anson Henry, CBC Sports Posted: Nov 10, 2015 1:55 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 10, 2015 1:55 PM ET

Many people have speculated why Russia has had so much success over the past years at the Olympics. With the somewhat lacking performance in the 2014 Beijing Olympics, people have started to accuse and question why Russian athletes would be so much better at home turf but not in other parts of the world.. Some of the accusations have been pointed to drug and other methods that would have given them an advantage over the other athletes that competed in the competition with sabotage being one.. On Tuesday November 10th, the International Olympics Committee called the IAAF to press charges on the Russian athletes, coaches and anyone else involved . Any athletes that would have won a medal but have been found guilty will have their medal removed and given to the next person who actually deserves it. 
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My opinion:
With the Olympics being such a big event with people watching from around the world, I think that the committee could have done a better job with this. I think that drug use has always been a problem when it comes to sports but it just isn't always sniffed out. Therefore, I think that Olympic Committee should have more testing methods to test for the drugs. As for the sabotage, the committee needs to find more trustworthy people that can provide an honest help to the Olympics. 

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