Monday 9 November 2015

Neymar scores spin-o-rama goal for victorious Barcelona

Neymar scores spin-o-rama goal for victorious Barcelona

CBC Sports Posted: Nov 08, 2015 2:59 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 09, 2015 12:25 AM ET

With the absence of Messi due to an injury, 2 members of FC Barcelona has to step up and take the spotlight. Neymar de Silva Jr. and Luis Suarez have both stepped up and scored and won in crucial games to keep Barcelona at the top level. With Messi generally being the star of the front 3, this has given them a chance to show all of the fans how much skill they all possess. A highlight of this was last nights game when Neymar scored probably one of the best and prettiest goals of his career. During the game verse Villareal, both Neymar and Suarez both scored to ensure the victory for Barcelona but Neymar's goal stood out.  

Picture in OneNote

My Opinion:

I think that Messi being injured was a good thing. Sure the star of Barcelona and the worlds best player is injured and doesn't get to play for 2 months, but this gives chances for the other 2 big stars of FC Barcelona to get more play time and experience. AS you can see, both Neymar and Suarez both have showed everyone that they can replace Messi in times of need. 

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